AOFM Needs to Refine Bid Format at T-Note Tenders as Competition...

By Sophia Rodrigues

A case is building for refining bidding format at Australian Treasury Note tenders to bring it in line with international practice as stronger demand for Notes has led to more competitive bidding in recent weeks.


26 Jun 2020, 10:01 AM
Insight: Australia ABS to Additionally Publish CPI Excluding Chil...

By Sophia Rodrigues

The Australian Bureau of Statistics will publish quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year CPI (consumer price index) excluding childcare for the June quarter as additional data to give users better insight into inflation d...

11 Jun 2020, 04:28 PM
Insight: AOFM’s Dilemma: Continue with T-Notes or Focus on Bonds?

By Sophia Rodrigues

Investor interest at Australian Treasury Note tenders have been increasing in recent weeks, posing a dilemma to the government debt manager on whether to continue tenders at elevated levels or scale them back in favor...

05 Jun 2020, 10:05 AM
AOFM Sticks to Borrowing Plan Despite JobKeeper Downward Revision

By Sophia Rodrigues

Despite a big downward revision to JobKeeper spending, the Australian Office of Financial Management is sticking to the borrowing program it announced earlier.

This is in line with an Insight article pu...

29 May 2020, 12:12 PM
Insight: AOFM to Stick to Borrowing Plan Despite Downward Revisio...

By Sophia Rodrigues

The Australian Office of Financial Management will stick to the borrowing plan announced in the issuance update despite the downward revision in JobKeeper this afternoon.

Earlier Friday, the AOFM announced a...

22 May 2020, 05:47 PM
Australia May Rethink Treasury Note Maturity Extension After Mar...

By Sophia Rodrigues

Australia’s experience with extending maturity profile of Treasury Notes to meet the government’s elevated borrowing and liquidity needs is meeting with limited success, and could prompt the debt manager t...

15 May 2020, 10:01 AM